
Child and Youth Support Program

Complex application

Tax filing not required

The Child and Youth Support (CYS) Program gives money and medical benefits for a child when the parents or guardians are unable or unwilling to care for the child, and the child is being cared for in another home of an adult caregiver.

Biological and adoptive parents are not eligible to apply for the CYS benefits for their own children.

Basic Benefit:

  • Children 0-11 years: Up to $105 per month
  • Children 12-17 years: Up to $148 per month

Limited supplementary benefits:

  • Extended medical coverage under the Alberta Child Health Benefit Program
  • Child care expenses
  • School fees/expenses
  • Annual Supplementary Benefit: Up to $200/year.

The caregiver and child may be eligible to receive benefits if:

  • The child’s parents/guardians have provided a letter of consent for the caregiver to provide care for the child or the caregiver has private guardianship of the child
  • The child is under 18 years of age at the time of application
  • The child’s income does not exceed the financial guidelines of the program
  • The child/youth is attending school, employed full-time or attending a full-time training program
  • The child is living with the caregiver seven days per week.

You cannot get this benefit if:

  • The parent/guardian who is unable or unwilling to provide care is living in the same home as the caregiver
  • The caregiver does not lives on-reserve (the Child Out of Parental Home Program is available for caregivers who live on-reserve).

The income of the caregiver is not considered when determining eligibility. Certain income received on behalf of or directly by the child is considered for determining program eligibility. This income includes:

  • Maintenance/child support payment
  • Supports for Independence (SFI) or assured support where the child is a dependent
  • Income received through the child’s employment
  • The child’s student loans or grants.
  • The Canada Child Tax Benefit and the Canada Child Benefit Supplement do not count as income sources.

Proof of primary responsibility for the care and upbringing of the child

For example:

  • a letter from the day care or school authorities indicating the child’s home address and contact information on file
  • a letter from a social worker, physician, a band council, or a resettlement officer stating that they have personal knowledge that the child lived with you for the period you indicated
  • a registration form or a receipt from an activity or club the child was enrolled in for the period you indicated
  • a court order, decree, or separation agreement that explains the type of custody arrangement you have (for example, shared custody) and clearly shows the living arrangements for the child
  • any other document showing that the child lived with you for the period you indicated

More information and application forms are available at all Child and Family Services offices. The caregiver is required to provide documentation to support the application. The caseworker may require an in-person meeting with the caregiver and child.

Contact your local office directly, or call 310-0000 toll free for the phone number of the office nearest you.

Last updated: April 13, 2021