
Residential Access Modification Program

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately

The Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) provides grants to lower-income Albertans with mobility challenges.

You can receive up to $7,500 per year to help modify your home in a way that will make it more accessible. You may receive up to a total of $15,000 within 10 years.

You may be eligible for a grant if you are:

  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has lived in Alberta for 90 continuous days.
  • An Albertan of any age who uses a wheelchair or a senior (65+ years) who uses a 4-wheel walker on an ongoing basis.
  • Living with a progressive neuro-degenerative disease including:
    • Multiple sclerosis.
    • Muscular dystrophy.
    • ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
    • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Alzheimer's disease.
    • Spina bifida.
    • Spinal cord injuries,
    • Non-recovering stroke.
  • a homeowner, tenant or living with family
  • an Indigenous person living off- or on-reserve
  • within the income guidelines listed below for your family size

To qualify, modifications must:

  • Enable you to enter and move within your own living space.
  • Be permanent – RAMP will review requests for temporary modifications on a case-by-case basis.
  • Be made to properties in Alberta.
  • Be completed within 90 days of approval, unless authorized by RAMP.

Social Insurance Number

For example:

  • confirmation of SIN letter
  • plastic SIN card (non-expired)

Proof of housing situation

For example:

  • letter from landlord about your housing situation
  • eviction notice
  • disconnection notice
  • police report about an incident involving your housing
  • moving company quote or invoice
  • list of repairs needed in home
  • list of expenses for renovations needed for independence in the home
  • proof of home ownership (mortgage, property ownership)

Health card

For example:

  • valid health card with no photo, name and address
  • valid health card with photo, name and address
  • MCP (Medical Care Plan) number
  • Valid ambulance/dental services card
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour identification number
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour file number (Income Support Card).

Proof of residency in Canada

A document that displays your name and current home address and confirms that your primary place of residence is in the province or territory that is providing the benefit. For example:

  • Driver's license
  • Mortgage, rental or lease agreement
  • Child Tax Benefit Statement
  • Employer record (pay stub or letter from employer on company letterhead)
  • Income tax assessment (most recent)
  • Insurance policy (home, tenant, auto or life)
  • Monthly mailed bank account statements for savings or chequing accounts (does not include receipts, bank books, letters or automated teller receipts)
  • Mortgage, rental or lease agreement
  • Motor Vehicle Permit (plate or vehicle portions)
  • Property tax bill
  • School, college or university report card or transcript
  • Statement of Direct Deposit for social assistance or income assistance in your province or territory (for example, Disability Assistance, Hardship Assistance, Income Support, Assured Incoome, Social Solidarity, etc.)
  • Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid T4E
  • Statement of Old Age Security T4A (OAS) or Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits T4A (P)
  • Statement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), or Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) from a financial institution (bank, trust company, credit union)
  • Utility bill received by mail (home telephone, cable TV, public utilities commission, hydro, gas, water)
  • Valid Provincial or Territorial Driver's Licence
  • Temporary Driver's Licence (you must also show a photo license card with the same address)
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits T5007
  • Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contribution
  • Valid Photo Identification

Proof of  residency in Province

For example:

  • lease agreement
  • rent receipt
  • household bill
    • gas
    • electricity
    • cable television
    • telephone
  • driver's license
  • vehicle registration or car insurance
  • membership in social or professional organization
  • Other:
    • bank information
    • employment information

Notice of Assessment

A statement from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to each taxpayer, every year, after you have filed a tax return. It tells you the amount of income tax you owe, or the amount of the refund you will get.

Before applying, please read the RAMP Guidelines and Criteria.

How you apply will depend on your status and living situation.

All applicants will need to complete the following forms:

Applicants who wish to allow the RAMP office to communicate with any third party (including the contractor or rehabilitation professional) on their behalf must complete:

Applicants who reside in a rental property, co-op or colony or who live in a family member's residence must complete:

Applicants who reside on a First Nations reserve must complete:

Applicants who are under a sponsorship agreement to reside in Canada must complete:

Send your completed application forms and supporting documents to:
RAMP Seniors, Community and Social Services
PO Box 808 Edmonton Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2L4

Incomplete applications will not be processed. Refer to the application checklist for a list of all required forms and information before submitting your application package to RAMP.

You should receive a letter in the mail notifying you of the funding decision within 30 days of applying. Your application will be prioritized if you have indicated you are awaiting hospital discharge or are in palliative care.

Last updated: November 15, 2024