British Columbia

Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants

Easy application

Tax filing not required

Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants helps professionals use their skills, training, and foreign qualifications for work in B.C. It can help you get jobs that match your experience and background.

The Career Paths program offers:

  • financial help to pay for professional re-credentialling (training) or licenses
  • job-related language training
  • assessment (checking) of credentials and experience
  • career planning and coaching
  • communication with regulatory authorities
  • referrals to employers and mentors
  • Canadian work experience opportunities – for example, through work-study programs or related jobs in your industry
  • if your occupation is not practised in B.C. or your qualifications are not recognized in B.C., Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants can help you find other options

You can also visit the Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA) website to see videos that explain the Career Paths program.

The program has three streams

You may be able to upgrade your skills and credentials through one of Career Path’s 3 streams:

  • Stream 1: Priority occupations. You have education and experience in an in-demand occupation in BC and are classified using the NOC system and require language or skill upgrading.
  • Stream 2: Regulated occupations. You need assistance with recertifying your credentials for an occupation regulated in BC
  • Stream 3: Unregulated occupation. You need assistance with upgrading for an unregulated BC occupation.

The supports you get will depend on the stream you are in. To learn more about each stream, visit the Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants Program page.

You may be eligible for Career Paths if you:

  • Became a permanent resident of Canada within the last ten years
  • Are a protected person/refugee
  • Have been selected for permanent residence
  • Have 1 year of work experience in your home country (Stream 1 and 2)
  • Have 2 years of work experience in your home country, or 1 year of pre-arrival work experience in your home country if you are 30 years old or younger (Stream 3)
  • Have an intermediate to advanced level of English language proficiency
  • Are unemployed or working in a job that does not use your skills and training from your home country

The program is delivered by frontline service providers, who will guide you through the application process.

Last updated: April 2, 2024