To be eligible for the Learning for Future Grant students must:
- Meet all eligibility criteria for the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and;
- Be enrolled in a course or program of study, below the graduate level, that leads, or will lead, to a credential (citation, certificate, diploma or degree), where each study period is a minimum of 6 weeks or 35 tuition hours in duration. This includes:
- Unclassified/qualifying studies
- Continuing Education courses and programs that:
- Lead, or will lead, to a credential (citation, certificate, diploma or degree)
- Support entry to the labour market or transition to a credentialed program at an eligible post-secondary institution.
- Single/standalone courses that do not lead to a credential are not eligible (regardless of whether they will support a student’s entry to the labour market).
Or you previously applied and were approved for YEAF by July 31, 2023. This makes you eligible to receive the YEAF grant amount through the YEAF Transition Plan for the duration of their initial program of study, the 4-year maximum or until they turn 25, whichever comes first.
This includes students who were previously approved for YEAF in a program or post-secondary institution that is not eligible for the Learning for Future Grant. Students who are eligible for both the YEAF Transition Plan and the Learning for Future Grant may not receive both YEAF and the Learning for Future Grant in the same program year.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
Students who have previously verified their eligibility for the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program or the Learning for Future Grant must submit a Learning for Future Grant Declaration Form annually through the Financial Aid Office at their post-secondary institution. Instructions:
- Download the Learning for Future Grant Declaration form.
- Submit your signed Declaration form to your institution’s Financial Aid Office so they can validate your eligibility.
- If you are eligible, you will receive the $3,500 Learning for Future Grant for the program year (August 1 – July 31).
First time applicants must submit a Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and Learning for Future Grant Application form to StudentAid BC through the Financial Aid Office at their post-secondary institution.
- Download the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and Learning for Future Grant Application form and complete Sections 1 and 3.
- Submit your signed application form to your institution’s Financial Aid Office so Section 2 can be completed.
- Your institution will submit your application form to StudentAid BC who will verify your time-in-care with the Ministry of Children and Family Development and/or the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The verification process can take up to 6 weeks depending on the complexity of your records search.
- If you are eligible, you will receive the $3,500 Learning for Future Grant for the program year (August 1 - July 31).
For further information, please review the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program - Frequently Asked Questions and the Learning for Future Grant - Frequently Asked Questions or contact the program at
To apply for the YEAF Transition Plan, you need to complete both the YEAF Transition Plan Application Form and the YEAF Transition Plan Confirmation of Enrolment Form.