To be eligible for the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program, students must be studying full-time or part-time, below the graduate level, at a B.C. public post-secondary institution, the Native Education College or an approved union-based trades training provider and:
- Adopted through the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency (ICFSA); or
- Formerly in the B.C. Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Child in Home of Relative Program; or
- Currently or formerly in any B.C. MCFD or ICFSA Legal Status (either while living in B.C. or while placed by MCFD or an ICFSA on an Interprovincial Placement Agreement [IPPA]) at the time you turn(ed) 19 or for at least 24 months (730 days) (consecutive or accumulated in any combination).
The Provincial Tuition Waiver Program covers a wide range of post-secondary courses and programs of study, below the graduate level, including:
- Courses leading to a citation, certificate, diploma, or degree
- Apprenticeship and trades training
- Continuing education courses and programs, including personal and professional development (credit or non-credit)
- Unclassified/qualifying studies
Masters, PhD or post-graduate courses or programs, as well as Adult Basic Education and Adult Special Education, are not eligible.
For applicants with exceptional circumstances
The Provincial Tuition Waiver Program may on a case-by-case basis approve exceptions to program eligibility through a review of exceptional circumstances. To request a review, contact the Ministry System Navigator at
The System Navigator at the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills consults with partner agencies, post-secondary institutions, students, and stakeholders around tuition waivers for current and former children or youth in care.
Categories eligible and additional detail are available on the PTWP website.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
First time applicants must submit a Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and Learning for Future Grant Application form to StudentAid BC through the Financial Aid Office at their post-secondary institution.
Once approved for the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program students may continue to access the program for all future eligible studies with no requirement for re-application.
Applications for the Learning for Future Grant must be renewed annually by signing the Learning for Future Grant Declaration form and submitting it to your post-secondary institution.
- Download the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and Learning for Future Grant Application form and complete Sections 1 and 3.
- Submit your signed application form to your institution’s Financial Aid Office so section 2 can be completed.
- Your institution will submit your application form to StudentAid BC who will verify your time-in-care with the Ministry of Children and Family Development and/or the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The verification process can take up to 6 weeks depending on the complexity of your records search.
- If you are eligible, your institution will not collect any tuition fees or registration deposits from you. If you have already paid your fees, your tuition fees will be reimbursed by the institution.
- If you have also applied for the Learning for Future Grant, and are eligible, you will receive a $3,500 grant for the program year (August 1 - July 31).
For further information, please review the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program - Frequently Asked Questions or contact the program at