You may be able to get this benefit if you:
- Are 19 years of age or older on December 31st OR you lived with your spouse, common-law partner, or child.
- Are a resident of Canada for income tax purposes throughout the year.
- Are employed or self-employed.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
Apply for CWB:
- Prepare your income tax and benefit return.
- Complete Schedule 6, Canada Workers Benefit to calculate the basic CWB.
- Enter the CWB amount calculated on Schedule 6 line 42, on line 453 of your return.
- If you are filing by paper - include your completed Schedule 6 with your return.
To request advance payment:
- Complete Form RC201 Canada Workers Benefit Advance Payments Application.
- Mail your completed form to:
Sudbury Tax Centre
PO Box 20000, STN A
Sudbury ON P3A 5C1
- CRA must receive Form RC201 no later than August 31st or it will not be processed.
- Once CRA receives your form, it should be processed within 11 weeks.
- You must apply every year that you want advance payments.