
Guaranteed Income Supplement - Allowance

Easy application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


To receive this benefit, you should apply 6 to 11 months before you turn 60.

The Guaranteed Income Supplement - Allowance is a non-taxable monthly benefit paid to the spouse or common-law partner of someone who is receiving the Old Age Security pension and who qualifies for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). This benefit may be paid until you turn 65 years of age. It will then be replaced with an Old Age Security pension if you qualify.

The combined income of you and your spouse or common-law partner will determine how much you can receive.

You must file your taxes by April 30 every year to avoid any disruption of payments. If you were in receipt of the Allowance and your spouse or common-law partner has passed away, you will be automatically converted to the Allowance for the Survivor.

You may be eligible to receive this benefit if:

  • Your spouse or common-law partner receives an Old Age Security pension (OAS) and is eligible and entitled to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
  • You are 60 to 64 years of age.
  • You are a Canadian citizen or a legal resident.
  • You have resided in Canada for at least 10 years since the age of 18.
  • You and your spouse or common-law partner’s annual combined income is less than $35,136.

Social Insurance Number

For example:

  • confirmation of SIN letter
  • plastic SIN card (non-expired)

You can apply online or submit a paper application.

To apply online, you must:

  • be age of 60 to 65
  • not have a legal representative on your account

If you are applying online, you will need a My Service Canada Account (MSCA). If you do not have an MSCA account, you can register for one. You will receive a personal access code to complete your registration.

To apply or register through My Service Canada Account

To apply using a paper application:

To receive this benefit:

  • You should apply 6 to 11 months before you turn 60.
  • Before you apply, ensure you have:
    • Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    • Information about your spouse or common-law partner such as SIN, date of birth, and foreign income information
    • Information about the countries you have lived since Age 18
    • Your banking information to sign up for direct deposit
    • If your employment or pension income stopped or reduced, you will need the date it reduced and stopped and the new monthly rate.
    • Your foreign income information
  • You must file your taxes by April 30 every year to avoid any disruption of payments.
  • If you have general questions about Allowance or specific questions about your application, contact Old Age Security

Last updated: August 23, 2021