Rent Assist is automatically provided to those who receive Employment and Income Assistance (EIA). Manitobans not receiving EIA benefits may apply for Rent Assist if:
- You pay rent or room and board for unsubsidized housing.
- You have an annual net household income of less than $26,480 for a single, $30,520 for a single person 55 years of age or older or a person who qualifies for the Disability Tax Credit or receive Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits, $34,560 for two persons, $44,240 for three or four persons, or $55,200 for five or more persons.
- You have dependent children in your home and have a net annual income of less than $44,240 for two or four people, or $55,200 for five or more people.
Manitobans may not apply for non-EIA Rent Assist if:
- You rent your home from Manitoba Housing.
- You, or the unit you live in, gets any other kind of housing benefit or subsidy.
- You live on a First Nations reserve.
- You live in a nursing home, hospital, or residential care facility.
- You live in student housing.
The Rent Assist Estimator can also help households see if they may have eligibility for Rent Assist.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
Proof of housing situation
For example:
- letter from landlord about your housing situation
- eviction notice
- disconnection notice
- police report about an incident involving your housing
- moving company quote or invoice
- list of repairs needed in home
- list of expenses for renovations needed for independence in the home
- proof of home ownership (mortgage, property ownership)
Proof of residency in Canada
A document that displays your name and current home address and confirms that your primary place of residence is in the province or territory that is providing the benefit. For example:
- Driver's license
- Mortgage, rental or lease agreement
- Child Tax Benefit Statement
- Employer record (pay stub or letter from employer on company letterhead)
- Income tax assessment (most recent)
- Insurance policy (home, tenant, auto or life)
- Monthly mailed bank account statements for savings or chequing accounts (does not include receipts, bank books, letters or automated teller receipts)
- Mortgage, rental or lease agreement
- Motor Vehicle Permit (plate or vehicle portions)
- Property tax bill
- School, college or university report card or transcript
- Statement of Direct Deposit for social assistance or income assistance in your province or territory (for example, Disability Assistance, Hardship Assistance, Income Support, Assured Incoome, Social Solidarity, etc.)
- Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid T4E
- Statement of Old Age Security T4A (OAS) or Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits T4A (P)
- Statement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), or Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) from a financial institution (bank, trust company, credit union)
- Utility bill received by mail (home telephone, cable TV, public utilities commission, hydro, gas, water)
- Valid Provincial or Territorial Driver's Licence
- Temporary Driver's Licence (you must also show a photo license card with the same address)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits T5007
- Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contribution
- Valid Photo Identification
Proof of residency in Province
For example:
- lease agreement
- rent receipt
- household bill
- gas
- electricity
- cable television
- telephone
- driver's license
- vehicle registration or car insurance
- membership in social or professional organization
- Other:
- bank information
- employment information
To apply for non-EIA Rent Assist, you can download a Rent Assist application form, or call Provincial Services at:
- 204-948-7368 in Winnipeg
- 1-877-587-6224 toll free
- Or TTY 204-948-3698 to have an application form mailed to you.
To find an office near you, go to the website.
In Winnipeg:
outside Winnipeg:
Contact details:
100 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 4V4
Phone: 204-948-7368
Toll Free: 1-877-587-6224