NB - Saint John County

Saint John Newcomers Centre

Range of services to newcomers and members of multicultural communities:
  • pick up at airport upon request
  • exploratory Visits
  • needs assessment and referral
  • settlement plan development
  • assistance with finding immediate temporary housing
  • assistance with finding long-term permanent housing
  • orientation to life in the community (informal)
    • Wellness Café: group sessions about wellness, coping, and more with settlement advisors, community connections, and mental health care professionals
    • Expertise Exchange: open-microphone event
    • Useful Noon Hour: Lunch and learns
  • orientation to life in the community (formal)
    • sessions including introduction to settlement supports, community orientation, and topics like legal rights in Canada and accessing financial services.
    • immigration information session by immigration Lawyers or Registered immigration consultants, programs normally covered include AIP, CWP, NBPNP
    • designated provider for the Atlantic Immigration Pilot project
    • Canadian citizenship classes
    • WES Gateway Program assesses the educational credentials of individuals who have been displaced as a result of adverse circumstances in their country and have limited proof of academic achievements. The program is available to individuals educated in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Türkiye, Ukraine, and Venezuela, who meet program requirements
  • orientation and Information Sessions for International Students
  • tax clinic: offered every year in March and April in partnership with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
  • on-site childminding for some programs
Language-based services
  • informal English language training (conversation circles, etc.)
  • informal French language training (conversation circles, etc.)
  • translation of documents
  • interpretation services (such as at medical appointments or parent-teacher nights)
  • CELPIP Training: elevate English language skills for professional CELPIP exam, offered Sep-May
Employment Services
  • employment and job boards and referrals
  • profiling newcomers employability's Skills
  • Head start to Employment and Jumpstart to Employment programs: help navigating community employment support programs
  • Skills for the Canadian Workplace: virtual & in-person workshops to develop workplace skills
  • cultural competency training for the Canadian workplace
  • Connecting+: help newcomers gain networking skills and build professional networks
  • AIPP Services for Businesses, Newcomers and International Students including support for online platforms to help connect employers with potential newcomers already here
  • programs for preparing Syrian newcomers to sustain economically (employment and entrepreneur related)
  • business immigrant support program for Syrian newcomers
  • Atlantic Immigrant Career Loan Fund (AICLF): loan to assist internationally trained immigrants overcome financial barriers to upgrade their skills and obtain license or certification to enable them practice in their occupation, or find employment in related fields
Programming for children and youth
  • homework club
  • Puzzle Club (volunteer designed and run for newcomer youth)
  • summer camps and March break camp for youth
Programming for women including
  • Craft & Conversation: collaborative effort invites newcomer women to interact with the community and enhance English skills through relaxed conversations
  • Proactive Program to combat Violence against Immigrant Women
Settlement Services to Francophone Newcomers
  • Lunch in French
  • Au Fil Des Mots: learning sessions with storytelling
  • SJNC March Camp: newcomer's children attending Samuel-de-Champlain will have activities at the center during March Break
  • Francophone summer camp: newcomer's children attending Sam de Champlain spend 8 weeks during the summer.
  • Language Summer Camp (for French language acquisition)
  • English classes for Students at Samuel-de-Champlain: weekly sessions to have daily life discussions for newcomers to connect and practice french
Community Engagement and Events
  • organize and support cultural festivals, cultural events and newcomer events
  • assist with cultural groups (volunteer and general support)
  • Future Engage: sessions at Rothesay High School that bring seniors and youth together for activities like yoga, arts & crafts, music, dance, etc
  • community tours and activities: recreational tours such as St Andrews, the ice caves, apple picking, maple shack, kayaking, fishing, etc.
  • Saturday Social: casual social gathering program
  • cooking classes: quarterly, Newcomers to highlight their cuisines and Canadian cuisines to newcomers, fun educational classes
  • communication of newcomer information and general engagement
  • social enterprise planning and development
  • volunteering program for newcomers
Other Services
  • resource centre: access to printing/photocopying services
  • Mental Health Programs in partnership with CHMA, Medisanté and other service health providers
  • Legal Support For Racialized Newcomers: legal program that provides free legal services for racialized newcomers who cannot afford representation and do not qualify for legal aid. This program supports 7 legal practice areas: Employment law, Tenant law, Notary services, Social benefits, Small claims, Immigration law, and Family law
  • Broad programs in partnership with community organizations including NBMC, City of Saint John, ONB, SJLIP, SWAT committee, New Conversations, Connexionworks, BIMP, Chamber, Enterprise Saint John, Nick Nicole Centre, Crescent Valley Resource Centre, SJ Loan Fund, YMCA, PRUDE, HDC, IRCC, National Small Centre Settlement Network, CCR, P2P, UNBSJ and UNBF, NBCC and more


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Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm

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Fully accessible - Elevator ; call for details

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Last updated: April 29, 2024