To see if you qualify, all the income is added up from all sources of all people who live in your household. If the total household income is less than the rate for your family type, the household is likely eligible to receive financial help. The amount received depends on the total household income.
To determine if you qualify for Income Assistance please see detailed eligibility criteria on the Assets and Incomes.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
Health card
For example:
- valid health card with no photo, name and address
- valid health card with photo, name and address
- MCP (Medical Care Plan) number
- Valid ambulance/dental services card
- Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour identification number
- Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour file number (Income Support Card).
Follow these steps to apply for Income Assistance:
Step 1: Gather the following information before you contact the Department of Social Development:
You will be asked to give:
- Your mailing address
- The address where you live (if it is different from your mailing address)
- Your rental or mortgage costs
For every member in the household, you will be asked to give:
- First and last name
- Birthdate
- Medicare number
- Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Income (like employment, child support, Employment Insurance, etc.)
- Assets (what every family member owns - like a car or a house)
Step 2: Call the provincial number for screening and intakes at 1-833-SDDStel (1-833-733-7835). You will be asked questions to determine if you may be eligible to receive Income Assistance.
Step 3: If you qualify for Income Assistance, an appointment will be scheduled for you to complete the application package and provide required documentation to the department.
Please see this Checklist of Documents to bring to your appointment (pdf).