Newfoundland and Labrador

Medical Transportation Assistance Program

Easy application

Tax filing not required

Medical Care Plan beneficiaries required to travel for specialized insured medical services may be eligible to apply for financial assistance under Medical Transportation Assistance Program for airfare (and related eligible taxi fares); private vehicle usage; purchased registered and private accommodations (and related meal allowance); busing and use of ferries based on program criteria (deductibles may apply).

Recent changes to MTAP

Complete information on MTAP, including how the program works, eligibility criteria, application and document requirements, recent changes and allowable expenses can all be found in the Medical Services Brochure.

Medical Transportation Assistance for Income Support Clients

Medical transportation assistance for Income Support clients had previously been provided under a separate program operated by the Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour.

In 2018, administration of that program was transferred to the Department of Health and Community Services. Income Support recipients who are required to travel to receive health care services should contact HCS at 1-833-729-6106 for further information.

To be eligible for the MTAP:

  • You must have a valid Medical Care Plan number.
  • Your out-of-pocket travel costs were to access specialized insured medical services which are not available in your immediate area of residence and/or within the Province.
  • Your travel must be to/from your Newfoundland and Labrador place of residence to qualify.

Health card

For example:

  • valid health card with no photo, name and address
  • valid health card with photo, name and address
  • MCP (Medical Care Plan) number
  • Valid ambulance/dental services card
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour identification number
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour file number (Income Support Card).

A beneficiary can make an application for financial assistance by completing one or more of the following applicable claim forms: