Not receiving benefits? Let's get started

If you are living on a low income, there are lots of money supports you could be getting. Here are some of the most common benefits to get started with.

A main way you can get many benefits is to file your taxes. Even if you don't make any money, filing your taxes can help get you money supports.

Common starting benefits


If you are raising a children under 18 years of age, this program can give you a tax-free monthly payment, per child.

Up to $7,787 per year, for each eligible child.

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


This program provides financial assistance to people who must take time away from work to provide care to an injured or gravely ill person.

Up to $650 per week.

Complex application

Tax filing not required


The Canada Dental Benefit can lower the costs of dental care for children under 12 years old if your child does not have access to a private dental insurance plan and your household income is less than $90,000.

 Up to $ 650 per child

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) will help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for eligible Canadian residents.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) will only pay for oral health care services covered within the plan at the established CDCP fees.

Complex application

Apply for when filing your taxes


Jordan's Principle ensures that First Nations children in Canada have access to the services, supports, and products they need to thrive.

Moderate application

Tax filing not required


The Canada Caregiver Credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit that can help you if you support a spouse, common-law partner, or a dependent with a physical or mental impairment.

You can claim between $2,350 and $7,525 on your tax return. The amount of the refund you get will be less than that. It depends on the amount of tax you paid during the tax year in which you are claiming this credit.

Easy application

Apply for when filing your taxes


If you are under 65 years of age, living with a mental or physical disability, unable to work due to having a long-term disability with indefinite duration, and have made contributions to Canada Pension Plan (CPP), you could get monthly payments from the Canada Pension Plan – Disability benefit. If you live in Quebec, you should refer to the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) instead, and contact Retraite Québec if you have any questions.

2023 monthly maximum payments: Basic rate: $558.74, Maximum monthly rate for CPP Disability benefit: $1,538.67, Maximum Children’s rate: $ 281.72

Complex application

Tax filing not required


Self-employed Canadians can access Employment Insurance (EI) special benefits by entering into an agreement or registering with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission.

Up to $650 per week.

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


If you are over 60 and planning on retiring, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension is a monthly, taxable benefit that replaces part of your income when you retire. If you live in Quebec, you should refer to the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) instead, and contact Retraite Québec if you have any questions.

2022 monthly payments: Average amount: $727.61, Maximum amount: $1,253.59.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


This program helps persons with disabilities, or their supporting persons reduce their income tax.

Up to a maximum around $1,200. The amount you get from this benefit depends on the amount of tax you pay and which province or territory you live in. You can claim up to $8,870 per year for an adult or $14,044 per year for a minor on your taxes.

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


This program provides short term financial assistance to people who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

Up to $638 per week.

Complex application

Tax filing not required


This program is a monthly payment for lower income seniors.

Up to $1,023.88 per month.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


This program supports and contributes to a long-term savings plan for individuals living with a disability.

Up to $3,500 per year.

Complex application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


This program provides monthly payments to individuals who are 65 or older.

Up to $685.50 per month.

Easy application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately


This benefit allows people living on low to moderate incomes cancel all or part of the GST or HST taxes they have paid.

Between $0 and $1,256 depending on your situation

Easy application

Apply for when filing your taxes


This benefit is a refundable tax credit to help working individuals who are living on low income.

Up to $1,395 per year for individuals and $2,403 per year for families.

Easy application

Apply for when filing your taxes