Nova Scotia

Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program and Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients

Easy application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately

The Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program and Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients programs are available to lower income Nova Scotians undergoing cancer treatment.

These programs can help you cover the cost of:

  • Boarding if your residence is more than 50km away from the treatment centre.
  • Transportation compensation if you are using your own vehicle, a bus, shuttle or community transportation to travel from home to the treatment center.
  • Travel and boarding for a travel escort who is considered essential.
  • Cover the cost of chemotherapeutic agents, pain medications, antiemetic agents, and laxatives for use with chronic opioid therapy

To be eligible for Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy and Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Programs you must:

  • Be a resident of Nova Scotia with a valid Nova Scotia Health Card.
  • Have a gross family income no higher than $35,000 per year.
  • Not have private insurance that covers the cost of transportation or accommodation (for the Boarding, Transportation, and Ostomy Program only).
  • Not have drug coverage under any other drug program, except Family Pharmacare or Seniors’ Pharmacare (for the Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program only)

Health card

For example:

  • valid health card with no photo, name and address
  • valid health card with photo, name and address
  • MCP (Medical Care Plan) number
  • Valid ambulance/dental services card
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour identification number
  • Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour file number (Income Support Card).

Notice of Assessment

A statement from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to each taxpayer, every year, after you have filed a tax return. It tells you the amount of income tax you owe, or the amount of the refund you will get.

For the Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program

Complete an Assistance for Cancer Patients Program – Registration Form and mail or fax it, with a copy of the most recent Income Tax Notice of Assessment or Reassessment from Canada Revenue Agency for the person applying, and your spouse or common-law partner.

By Mail

Assistance for Cancer Patients Programs
Nova Scotia Pharmacare Programs
PO Box 500
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S1

By phone

Telephone: 902-496-7011
Toll Free: 1-866-553-0585
By Fax: 902-490-2275

For the Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program:

Complete an Assistance for Cancer Patients Program – Registration Form and mail or fax it, with a copy of the most recent Income Tax Notice of Assessment or Reassessment from Canada Revenue Agency for the person applying, and your spouse or common-law partner, to:

By Mail

Assistance for Cancer Patients Programs
Nova Scotia Pharmacare Programs
PO Box 500
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S1

By phone

Telephone: 902-496-7011
Toll Free: 1-866-553-0585
By Fax: 902-490-2275

Last updated: November 15, 2024