You may be eligible if you:
- Receive Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Income Support.
- Have a medical condition that has been verified by an approved health professional.
- Have diabetic and surgical supplies ordered by a physician's prescription.
- Are not receiving any other coverage (e.g. from the Canadian Diabetes Association).
Health card
For example:
- valid health card with no photo, name and address
- valid health card with photo, name and address
- MCP (Medical Care Plan) number
- Valid ambulance/dental services card
- Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour identification number
- Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour file number (Income Support Card).
Apply for Coverage
- If you receive OW, contact your Social Service Worker at your local Ontario Works office.
- If you receive ODSP, contact your local Ontario Disability Support Program office and ask for a Mandatory Special Necessities Benefit Request form.
- Ask any of the following healthcare professionals to fill out the form:
- Physicians.
- Nurses in the Extended Class (Nurse Practitioners).
- Registered Nurses (where a doctor has identified the need).
- Enterostomal Therapists (for surgical supplies and dressings).
- Fax the form, bring it in person, or mail it to your local ODSP office.
- Ask any of the following healthcare professionals to fill out the form:
- Your form will be reviewed and a letter will be sent to you if it is approved.