You may be able to get this benefit if you:
- Live in Ontario
- Are in a crisis, such as:
- You have been affected by COVID-19
- You are being evicted
- You are in or leaving an abusive relationship
- You are worried about your safety.
You cannot get this benefit if you:
- Are already getting money from Ontario Works
- Are on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- You are a tourist or visitor to Ontario.
If you live in a First Nations community, are under the age of 18, or you do not have a Social Insurance Number (SIN), contact your local Ontario Works office to apply.
If you are in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel, you can apply for temporary financial support through emergency assistance.
If you are not in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel and need support for longer than 48 days, you should apply for Ontario Works.
You can apply online if you have;
- a Canadian social insurance number (SIN),
- email address and phone number.
You must apply by calling your local Ontario Works office if:
- you do not have a social insurance number,
- You do not have an email address and phone number,
- if you live in a First Nations community
- or are under 18 years of age.
It will take about 15 to 20 minutes to apply. You should make only one application for you and your immediate family.
You will need:
- Personal details about you and your family
- Your housing costs
- Your family’s total income and available assets
- Your bank account information if you have one
- Documentation confirming your status in Canada, including your passport, visa, permits, etc.
- this applies to persons in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)