You may be eligible if you:
- Work for an employer who is covered by the Workplace Safety Insurance Board.
- Have an injury or illness that is directly related to your work.
- You or your employer report your injury or illness to the SIB and your claim is allowed.
Social Insurance Number
For example:
- confirmation of SIN letter
- plastic SIN card (non-expired)
Apply for WSIB Benefits
- File a claim with the WSIB as soon after the work-related injury or illness happens.
The information provided to WSIB will help determine the benefits and support you are eligible for. You agree to share information about your functional abilities with the WSIB and your employer by having a health-care professional (e.g., doctor, physiotherapist) complete the form and identify your ability to walk, stand, sit, lift, and perform other work-related tasks fill out a Functional Abilities Form
The amount of financial assistance you may receive will vary depending on the WSIB benefit that you are approved for.