
Seniors’ Drug Plan

Easy application

Tax filing not required

Eligible seniors 65 years and older pay $25 for prescription drugs listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status.

Ask your physician or pharmacist if your medications may qualify for Exception Drug Status.

The Ministry of Health determines eligibility based on age and the net income (Line 23600) reported on your income tax return filed with the Canada Revenue Agency.

  • You must be a Saskatchewan resident within two months of being 65 years of age or older with a valid Saskatchewan Health card.
  • You must be eligible for the provincial age credit, which is based on the annual net income you reported on Line 23600 of your income tax form in the previous two years. Your net income must be $75,918 or less on your 2023 income tax to be eligible for the year 2025.
  • Seniors covered through federal government programs, such as the federal Non-Insured Health Benefits Program or Veterans Affairs, are not eligible for the Seniors' Drug Plan.

Social Insurance Number

For example:

  • confirmation of SIN letter
  • plastic SIN card (non-expired)

You can apply to the Seniors’ Drug Plan by completing the application form and providing income documentation. Choose an application form at the following links:

Fill out Form A to provide your consent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to release specific income information (Line 23600) to the Ministry of Health, Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch. No annual application is required. Your coverage is automatically renewed each year as long as your income tax return is filed each year. Fill out Form B if you do not file income tax or would rather submit an application with your income documentation each year. In the fall, a renewal notification will be mailed to you with instructions on how to renew your coverage.

  • Mail, fax or email your application to the Drug Plan's Seniors' Drug Plan.
  • You will receive a confirmation of benefits letter when the initial application is processed.
  • Seniors' Drug Plan coverage begins on the date the Drug Plan receives your complete application, including income documentation.
  • You are encouraged to complete Form A for automatic annual renewal and to prevent a lapse in coverage.

Other ways to get an application form are:

  1. Ask your pharmacist for an application form.
  2. Contact the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch toll-free at 1-800-667-7581 or in Regina at 306-787-3317 OR by email to
  3. Submit your completed application form to the Drug Plan at:
    Seniors' Drug Plan – Client Services Unit
    Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch
    3475 Albert Street REGINA SK S4S 6X6
    FAX: 306-787-8679

The Seniors’ Drug Plan – Questions and Answers document has more detail on the application process.

You will receive a confirmation of benefits letter after the initial application is processed.

If your annual income or medication costs change during the coverage period, you may send a written request for a reassessment of coverage to the ministry's Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch, Special Support Program. You must include documentation of income changes.

Last updated: September 9, 2024