
Kids Recreation Fund

Easy application

Need you to file taxes and apply separately

The Kids Recreation Fund provides Yukon families with a lower income an opportunity to apply for funding of each child, aged 0 to 18 years, up to $500 per year to participate in sport and recreational activities within Yukon.

A family’s new income must fall into one of the following income brackets and are dependent on the number of children in the family:

  • $46,818 with 1 child
  • $54,100 with 2 children
  • $60,343 with 3 children
  • $66,585 with 4 or more children

Proof of marital/common-law status

For example:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union

Proof of primary responsibility for the care and upbringing of the child

For example:

  • a letter from the day care or school authorities indicating the child’s home address and contact information on file
  • a letter from a social worker, physician, a band council, or a resettlement officer stating that they have personal knowledge that the child lived with you for the period you indicated
  • a registration form or a receipt from an activity or club the child was enrolled in for the period you indicated
  • a court order, decree, or separation agreement that explains the type of custody arrangement you have (for example, shared custody) and clearly shows the living arrangements for the child
  • any other document showing that the child lived with you for the period you indicated

  1. Download the application from or pick up a paper copy at Sport Yukon 4061-4th Avenue, Whitehorse
  2. Complete the application.
  3. If you are a special eligibility applicant include:
    • a letter explaining your family circumstances;
    • the date of expected return to work; and
    • proof of your current family income, such as EI subsidy or CERB subsidy.
  4. Submit the application:
    In person: 4061-4th Avenue, Whitehorse
    Open Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Email: info@sportyukon.com
    Fax: 867-667-4237
    Sport Yukon
    Kids Recreation Fund
    4061-4th Avenue
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    Y1A 1H1

Last updated: April 6, 2021