
Newcomer / immigrant

New to Canada? Here are some important benefits you should know about. You may also be able to get other benefits depending on your situation. View the ‘Starting points’ menu to see what situations apply to you or answer the ‘Questionnaire’ to get personalized recommendations.

Common newcomer / immigrant benefits


The Discounted Bus Pass Program allows people with lower incomes to pay less for their monthly municipal bus passes.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


The Social Housing Program provides safe and adequate housing to families and seniors with low incomes and people with disabilities. This program subsidizes rent according to the degree of financial need. The Social Housing Program is administered by local housing authorities on behalf of Saskatchewan Housing Corporation.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


The Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL) helps people with physical disabilities to live a more active and independent lifestyle. It also helps people in the management of certain chronic health conditions.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


The Saskatchewan Employment Supplement (SES) provides financial assistance to families living on lower incomes who have children.

Up to $562.50 with 5 children.

Easy application

Tax filing not required


If you live in Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island or Saskatchewan and you file your taxes, you may be able to get this benefit to offset the cost of the government of Canada’s pollution pricing.

The amount you receive depends on your family situation and the province you reside in.

Easy application

Apply for when filing your taxes


This initiative provides a one-time payment of up to $3000 per individual in any Ukrainian family that arrived under the Canada-Ukraine authorisation for emergency travel.

$3,000 for each adult and $1,500 for each child under 18

Easy application

Tax filing not required